Coreference in the poetic works of Lesia Ukrainka



The category of coreference plays an important role in the creation texts, as it is based on fundamental principles text organization. linearity a and non-linearity situation described are closely related to mention elements with another nomination this object. Therefore, chains coreferential names appear and, having binary relation, partly cause emergence secondary nomination, which anaphoric relation primary nomination. purpose article study poetic speech Lesia Ukrainka corpus Ukrainian language represented object research idiostyle Ukrainka’s poetry, subject functioning coreference. categorical essence characterized, types representatives real objects, their functional stylistic varieties typical objects representation determined, most frequent structures considered. Software for working has been developed implemented. It user-friendly interface, allows searching, sort, doing quantitative processing collected information according needs researchers. On material 153 1520 referentially identical pairs established. coreferentiality index coverage proposed helped quantitatively assess saturation In addition, classification relations composed: 1) identity; 2) collection gap; 3) part-whole; 4) predicative 5) metonymy; 6) association. A dependency tree sentence made possible determine location sentence, position relative each other, belonging segment coreferent or referent complicators i.e., subordinate clause phrases. This also establish type syntactic relationship between referent, syntactic-semantic them, presence referent-dependent words, intersection gender number. Automatic extraction from trees allowed building intersentential

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عنوان ژورنال: Ukraïns?ke movoznavstvo

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['0320-3077', '2616-7522']